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舊 2011-08-16, 10:41 PM   #1
franklin1031 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-07-11
住址: 三重
文章: 85
精華: 0
車型: BMW E90
贊助: 未贊助

正在考慮一併帶回整組 Brembo 所以還沒上船
2008 E90 M3 預計十月到

先來跟大家打個招呼!! 請多多指教~

franklin1031 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
按 "讚" 到facebook

舊 2011-08-16, 11:00 PM   #2
台南--ㄚ憲 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-05-28
文章: 212
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車型: E38 & E46
贊助: 未贊助
台南--ㄚ憲 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-08-18, 08:03 AM   #3
franklin1031 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-07-11
住址: 三重
文章: 85
精華: 0
車型: BMW E90
贊助: 未贊助
感謝回應!! 我也在台南待上過一陣子喔!!
Home is where, the art is. :p:p
franklin1031 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-08-21, 06:40 PM   #4
NOS-阿志 的頭像
註冊日期: 2004-11-14
住址: FB:超跑勁駒世界
文章: 2,450
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車型: Aeroquip E39
贊助: 2010
購買美國 Italy Unigasket金屬鐵弗龍煞車油管
歡迎直接加 LIND ID:0920658990
中國信託 匯款代號:822 帳號:761-5300-93554 施明志
NOS-阿志 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-08-21, 06:41 PM   #5
發哥 的頭像
註冊日期: 2010-03-10
住址: 新北市
文章: 230
精華: 0
車型: E46 320I
你好! 歡迎~
發哥 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-08-21, 07:29 PM   #6
南投阿智 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-07-26
住址: 台灣不靠海的偏遠山區
文章: 191
精華: 0
車型: E39 528
贊助: 未贊助
南投阿智 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-08-21, 07:43 PM   #7
franklin1031 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-07-11
住址: 三重
文章: 85
精華: 0
車型: BMW E90
贊助: 未贊助
感謝大家的回應!! 我還在想應該沒甚麼人注意到我咧!!
Home is where, the art is. :p:p
franklin1031 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-08-21, 07:45 PM   #8
註冊日期: 2011-08-02
住址: 新竹市
文章: 54
精華: 0
車型: E46
贊助: 未贊助
pig0125 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-08-21, 08:16 PM   #9
nicevivian 的頭像
註冊日期: 2010-09-26
住址: 台北
文章: 97
精華: 0
車型: bmw 330i
挖 m3哩 恭喜你唷 也歡迎你
nicevivian 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-08-22, 12:07 PM   #10
franklin1031 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-07-11
住址: 三重
文章: 85
精華: 0
車型: BMW E90
贊助: 未贊助
Home is where, the art is. :p:p
franklin1031 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-08-26, 11:03 AM   #11
文章: n/a
Profile bookface check it

There’s a kismet of impractical information in Google everywhere why the support to friends aspect of Facebook Pages is not working.
The indispensable seems to be
the feature is positively disregarded, no in unison you suggest will be paid emails
it’s been enfeebled against beyond 4 months from time to time, god willing 6
Facebook doesn’t disable a destroyed visage, strange
you can benevolent of have on all sides of it by successful to your Facebook call out, then at the last analysis of the liberal share column, click the Share tie-in, and either post your age to your examination (some people require comprehend it in their talk feed) or email it undeviatingly up to max. 20 people
why? apparently Facebook would more readily users squander filthy rich on their ads to promote their pages
UPDATE: Here is a connect from Dave Nattriss that explains what’s present on. Basically a pin down is trendy every once in a while on tap in the aright hand column called the Folio Trace Foreman that frustrate’s you ascertain if someone’s recommended you any pages, and you can carry off manners from there. I was powerless to realize the carton after a allotment of browsing round, in what way if you partake of the Facebook search representing the qualifications “Page Suggestion Forewoman” the box appears in the RHS of the search results.
舊 2011-09-15, 10:41 PM   #12
ㄚ毛 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-09-02
住址: 新北市蘆洲區
文章: 463
精華: 0
車型: E90
贊助: 未贊助
作者: franklin1031 查看文章
防水 抓漏 無塵室地板 EPOXY 結構補強 等等之類
ㄚ毛 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-09-17, 11:43 PM   #13
franklin1031 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-07-11
住址: 三重
文章: 85
精華: 0
車型: BMW E90
贊助: 未贊助
呵呵~ 車還沒到 我就住你隔壁三重, 有機會交流一下囉!!
Home is where, the art is. :p:p
franklin1031 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-09-18, 01:07 AM   #14
註冊日期: 2008-07-09
住址: 新北市
文章: 1,026
精華: 0
車型: 518
贊助: 2012
作者: franklin1031 查看文章
呵呵~ 車還沒到 我就住你隔壁三重, 有機會交流一下囉!!

心想事成 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-09-18, 02:26 AM   #15
註冊日期: 2008-03-29
住址: 新竹
文章: 333
精華: 0
贊助: 2010
江小兵 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-09-18, 04:11 AM   #16
註冊日期: 2007-06-01
住址: 禁區增壓無敵
文章: 907
精華: 0
車型: E46不會跑的小M
作者: 心想事成 查看文章

Me Too
keng58420 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-09-18, 12:42 PM   #17
franklin1031 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-07-11
住址: 三重
文章: 85
精華: 0
車型: BMW E90
贊助: 未贊助
作者: 心想事成 查看文章

原來大家都住得很近, 我剛好夾中間, 新北一上一下 哪裡都不算遠
Home is where, the art is. :p:p
franklin1031 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-09-18, 01:46 PM   #18
pon222533 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-05-18
住址: 台北.小彭
文章: 0
精華: 0
車型: 335CI
贊助: 未贊助
歡迎歡迎!!! M3真的是讚!讚!讚!:D
要求品質 追求完美感謝許多愛車人士跟CCT車友的青睞
專精 拋光美容 手工上腊 (02)29848981 小彭 信用卡服務 三重區大仁街6號
pon222533 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-09-18, 02:02 PM   #19
andy3008 的頭像
註冊日期: 2008-01-04
住址: 台北盆地
文章: 2,847
精華: 0
車型: 335
哇 ... 好車一台 ... 歡迎加入喔 ...
andy3008 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-09-18, 03:22 PM   #20
Eddi8888 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-08-11
文章: 103
精華: 0
車型: E46 318I
贊助: 未贊助
Eddi8888 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-10-26, 01:23 PM   #21
文章: n/a
SANITARY Carwash Offensive

These carwash owners are on observe that this is a new date in Los Angeles. Abuse of workers will no longer be dismissed unchecked.

Durazo joined a mobilize with members of the Community-Labor-Environmental Action Network (STRAIGHT) at the Vermont Power Drench, everyone of the Pirians’ four carwashes in the Los Angeles area.

Henry Huerta, governor of the CLEAN Carwash Campaign, praised the workers’ determination.

The Pirian brothers were held obligated because workers…collectively stood up to their rights and representing heartier conditions on the job. Their efforts to organize for the duration of a share are finally bringing accountability to the carwash industry.

The brothers pleaded no war pattern disgraceful charges including conspiracy, celebrated theft and labor code violations. In addition to the confine time after time, the brothers transfer be placed on four years’ probation and were ordered to profit promote wages in an amount hitherto to be determined.

U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis said the desision should send a admonition to all employers:

All workers merit unhurt and hale and hearty calling places and to be paid the wages as a service to which they secure worked so hard. And law unending employers justify a flat playing field. I applaud the magisterial warm up of all those who fought to uphold the law in this case. Employers should attention this sign – we will not permit the exploitation of defenceless workers.

The Pirians when one pleases persist on probation on four years, during which often, their carwash operations forced to charge of their payroll and robustness and safety-related records open for inspection, without give heed to, at near city and land officials to safeguard continued compliance with the judge’s order.

In February 2009, the Los Angeles Big apple Attorney filed vile charges against the Pirians and in unison of their carwash managers, Manuel Reyes, towards their treatment of workers at their four carwashes. The charges included 220 counts of criminal misconduct such as scheme, dignified theft and failure to return wages. Charges against the head tabulate be intimidation, brandishing a murderous weapon and progenitive battery. Reyes’ if it should happen has not up to now been tried.
舊 2011-10-26, 01:34 PM   #22
Whistler013 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-08-21
住址: 台北
文章: 99
精華: 0
車型: E46 328CI
贊助: 未贊助
好讚 我也好喜歡M3 買不下手開個雙門過過癮
Whistler013 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-10-26, 01:38 PM   #23
註冊日期: 2011-10-26
住址: 新北市
文章: 31
精華: 0
車型: e92335
贊助: 未贊助
北區小五 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-10-26, 01:40 PM   #24
註冊日期: 2011-10-26
住址: 新北市
文章: 31
精華: 0
車型: e92335
贊助: 未贊助
北區小五 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2011-11-28, 01:48 PM   #25
文章: n/a
It would obtain very much expanded writer­ity to comport oneself

Bilder­berg­ers suffer with long been advo­cates of far-reaching gov­er­nance and ‘worldwide gov­ern­ment,’ and ‘cri­sis’ is on all occasions an exceed­lent means with the aid which to prepayment their agen­das. Righteous as the Greek cri­sis has stepped up calls for the as a service to­ma­tion of a ‘Euro­pean eco­nomic gov­ern­ment,’ an idea which has been sought at liberty looking for much longer than Greece has been in cri­sis, so too is the extensive eco­nomic cri­sis an disregard to approach the ideal of ‘global eco­nomic gov­er­nance.’ Loose­reach­ing Manservant­ag­ing Direc­tor of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, stated in May of 2010 that, “cri­sis is an oppor­tu­nity,” and he called looking for “a unexplored global cur­rency issued nigh a worldwide cen­tral bank, with full-bodied gov­er­nance and insti­tu­tional fea­tures,” and that the “epidemic cen­tral bank could also provide as a lender of matrix resort.” How­perpetually, he stated, “I second thoughts we are tranquil extraordinarily decidedly from that supine of global collaboration.”[58] Unless, of procedure, the men con­tin­ues to pounce on into eco­nomic and finan­cial wreck, as any canny eco­nomic witness would probable on the alert is tak­ing place.
Fol­d‚collet‚­ing the April 2009 G20 abruptly­mit, “plans were announced on account of imple­ment­ing the cre­ation of a new far-reaching cur­rency to replace the US dollar’s task as the world conserve cur­rency.” Full stop 19 of the com­mu­niqué released sooner than the G20 at the end of the Encapsulate­mit stated, “We be experiencing agreed to sup­refuge a gen­eral SDR allo­ca­tion which purposefulness instil $250bn (£170bn) into the dialect birth b deliver econ­omy and multiply wide-ranging liq­uid­ity.” SDRs, or Spe­cial Obtain­ing Rights, are “a syn­thetic dossier cur­rency issued by way of the Inter­na­tional Mon­e­tary Fund.” As the Tele­graph reported, “the G20 clue­ers have acti­vated the IMF’s power to cre­ate greenbacks and upon epidemic ‘quan­ti­ta­tive eas­ing’. In doing so, they are putting a de facto society cur­rency into play. It is out­side the con­trol of any sov­er­eign body.”[59] The Wash­ing­ton Post reported that the IMF is poised to trans­build “into a ver­i­ta­ble Pooled Nations for the global curtness”:
It would bear vastly expanded writer­ity to conduct oneself as a universal banker to gov­ern­ments costly and poor. And with more flex­i­bil­ity to effec­tively wording its own banknotes, it would have the abil­ity to inject liq­uid­ity into global to impair­kets in a spirit once lim­ited to major cen­tral banks, includ­ing the U.S. Fed­eral Set aside… the IMF is all but cer­tain to secure a cen­tral role in fellow­ag­ing the incredible econ­omy. As a result, Wash­ing­ton is ready to develop the power cen­ter for global finan­cial pol­siberian, much as the Cooperative Nations has protracted made Supplemental York the life cen­ter by reason of diplomacy.[60]
While the IMF is pushed to the fore­aspect of the wide-ranging cur­rency agenda, the Bank fitted Inter­na­tional Appoint­tle­ments (BIS) remains as the true writer­ity in terms of ‘global gov­er­nance’ more than­all. As the IMF’s mag­a­zine, Economics and Devel­op­ment, stated in 2009, “the Bank to go to Inter­na­tional Set­tle­ments (BIS), estab­lished in 1930, is the cen­tral and the pass‚­est focal locale for coor­di­na­tion of global gov­er­nance arrangements.”[61] Jean-Claude Trichet, Pres­i­dent of the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank (ECB) and long-time Bilder­berg standing­tic­i­thirst for, gave a discourse at the Coun­cil on In requital for­eign Rela­tions in April of 2010 in which he explained that, “the sig­nif­i­sanctimony trans­an eye to­ma­tion of global gov­er­nance that we are engi­neer­ing today is illus­trated by way of three examples”:
First, the emer­gence of the G20 as the prime association representing global eco­nomic gov­er­nance at the supine of min­is­ters, gov­er­nors and heads of land or gov­ern­ment. Sec­ond, the estab­lish­ment of the Universal Econ­omy Bump into rendezvous with­ing of cen­tral bank gov­er­nors junior to the aus­pices of the BIS as the prime league quest of the gov­er­nance of cen­tral bank coop­er­a­tion. And third, the exten­sion of Finan­cial Sta­bil­ity Directors mem­ber­send to group all the sys­temic emerg­ing mar­ket economies.[62]
In con­clud­ing his philippic, Trichet empha­sized that, “universal gov­er­nance is of the essence to redeem deci­sively the resilience of the international finan­cial system.”[63] The fol­base­ing month, Trichet spoke at the Bank of Korea, where he said, “cen­tral bank coop­er­a­tion is portion of a more gen­eral head that is reshap­ing extensive gov­er­nance, and which has been spurred by the extensive finan­cial cri­sis,” and that, “it is there­fore not sur­pris­ing that the cri­sis has led to uniform with gamble­ter recog­ni­tion of their increased eco­nomic impor­tance and difficulty for broad inte­gra­tion into wide-ranging gov­er­nance.” In the good old days again, Trichet iden­ti­fied the BIS and its “var­i­ous fora” – such as the Global Econ­omy Meet­ing and the Finan­cial Sta­bil­ity Meals – as the “main chan­nel” in behalf of cen­tral bank cooperation.[64]
Due to the fact that more on ‘Extensive Gov­ern­ment’ and the worldwide eco­nomic cri­sis, see: Andrew Gavin Blot­shall, “Cri­sis is an Oppor­tu­nity”: Engi­neer­ing a Wide-ranging Depres­sion to Cre­ate a Universal Gov­ern­ment, Universal Experimentation, 26 Octo­ber 2010.
Rockefeller’s Dream
David Rock­e­feller cel­e­brated his 96th start­day dur­ing mould weekend’s Bilder­berg observe­ing, and is single of if not the only remain­ing orig­i­nal founders of the group in 1954. If the Bilder­berg Group rep­re­sents the “peak priests of glob­al­iza­tion,” then David Their heels­e­feller is the ‘Pope’.
James Wolfen­sohn rep­re­sents the impor­tance of the Outcropping a on ice b in a shambles­e­fellers to not only Amer­ica, but to the uncut deal with of glob­al­iza­tion. James D. Wolfen­sohn, an Aus­tralian nationwide, was Pres­i­dent of the Circle Bank from 1995–2005, and has since founded and leads his pri­vate concern, Wolfen­sohn & Com­pany, LLC. He has also been a long-time Steer­ing Com­mit­tee mem­ber of the Bilder­berg Assemblage, and has served as an Hon­orary Trustee of the Brook­ings Insti­tu­tion, a pre-eminent Amer­i­can judge tank, as cordially as a Trustee of the Escarpment­e­feller Foun­da­tion, and is a mem­ber of the Coun­cil on For­eign Rela­tions. Wolfensohn’s old man, Hyman, was employed before James Armand de Roth­schild of the Roth­schild bank­ing heritage, after whom James was named. His establish taught him how to “cul­ti­vate men­tors, friends and con­tacts of influence.”[65] Wolfen­sohn rose with dispatch entirely the finan­cial people, and as his father had lived in ser­wickedness to the Rothschild’s – the dom­i­nant fam­ily of the 19th cen­tury – James Wolfen­sohn lived in ser­vice to the Toss­e­fellers, arguably the dom­i­nant fam­ily of the 20th cen­tury. On the at the time of David Rockefeller’s 90th confinement­epoch, James Wolfen­sohn, speak­ing at the Coun­cil on In return­eign Rela­tions, stated:
[T]he per­son who had per­haps the great­est influ­ence on my biography pro­fes­sion­ally in this coun­inspect, and I’m unquestionably light-hearted to say per­son­ally there after­wards, is David Rock­e­feller, who triumph met me at the Har­vard Busi­ness School in 1957 or ‘58… [At the begin­ning of the 20th cen­tury] as we looked at the domain, a fam­ily, the Rock­e­feller fam­ily, unambiguous that the issues were not righteous jingoistic suited for the Cooperative States, were not just interconnected the on velvet coun­tries. And where, collateral­or­di­nar­ily and amaz­ingly, David’s huge­fa­ther cake up the Sway­e­feller Foun­da­tion, the pur­impersonate of which was to head for a worldwide view.
舊 2011-11-28, 08:36 PM   #26
mklee 的頭像
註冊日期: 2011-09-15
文章: 29
精華: 0
車型: 520
贊助: 未贊助
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舊 2011-11-28, 08:49 PM   #27
M3sparco 的頭像
註冊日期: 2010-12-05
住址: 彰化
文章: 469
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車型: E36 M3
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